Welcome on MOF+

MOF+ is intended to become a complete web resource for the construction of MOFs and related framework materials (COFs, ZIFs ...). You can browse and search nets (better embeddings, which we refer to as "blueprints") as well as the corresponding available MOF structures. After some hard work we have recently extended the functionality to allow registered users to use the Reverse Topological Approach (RTA) to generate new structures and to extend the database, making MOF+ a community driven repository.

In order to fully use MOF+ (generate new structures) and exploit all features we ask you to register (see our terms of use and our privacy regulations).
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18-3-2019: MOF+ is back

After a server problem MOF+ is reachable again.

2-12-2018: Beta Status

In order to become a beta tester to make MOFs, built structures and add Building Blocks, please drop us an informal email and we'll add you to the beta testers group.

20-11-2018: Weaver working

Finally we implemented our Weaver construction tool in MOFplus. It will be released next week on the topology workshop in Munich.